On 29-01-2013

Rubber parts assembly is not really an easy operation. Parts shape, their possible deformation, their rubbing ratio, their elastic limit, oil contained in certain mixtures are affecting in a way rubber parts assembly.
To ease parts sliding in distribution systems, it is possible to add a product to ease parts movement, depending on material type (for instance talcing for «nitrile» type organic EVC (heat vulcanised elastomers, oiling for other parts).

It is however absolutely necessary to make sure that elastomeres, added products and final function fully comply together.

In case of self lubricated silicone parts, a post curring operation will decrease the oiling state on the part, which will ease its sliding possibility. This post-curring effect has a limited effect in time of about 2 to 3 weeks according to silicone types, percentage of oil contained in material, stocking conditions.

Also, the oiled parts surface can disturb automatic parts distribution, control systems, and camera detection due to reflection.
Generaly speaking, it is necessary during assembly operations not to go over 20% of elastic limits or of materials compression.

Parts geometry adaptation are sometimes necessary to avoid parts bloking risksin automatic distribution systems.
For small size parts, or thin parts (around 0,15 mm), or for all parts with such geometry that manual process or automatic equipment are not really possible, we suggest 2K injection (TP & SIL) solutions or overmoulding (plastic or metal + elastomer).

This solution is also recommended for applications when a good grip of the elastomer part onto its support is not satisfactory for its final use or destination.

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